Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
Recently I been having a blast playing around with React, and I found this neat hack from @ssorallen called Reactize.
What he is doing is grabbing the HTML response from the server, and then in the browser running the JSXTransformer on the HTML, and mounting the whole document body as a React component. Very clever!
So to riff on that theme a little bit, here is a Rails middleware that will take the HTML page the server was going to send to the client, and replace it with the JSXTransformed version, which is basically a javascript snippet. So the "heavy-lifting" of the JSXTransformer is done server-side.
Another thing we can do is hash the result and throw it in the Rails cache, so we arent doing more work than we need to.
class JsxMiddleware
def initialize(app)
@jsxcode = File.read("#{Rails.root}/app/assets/javascripts/JSXTransformer.js")
@app = app
def call(env)
status, headers, response = @app.call(env)
if env['HTTP_X_JSX'].present?
response.body = convert_to_jsx(response.body[/<body>(.*)<\/body>/m,1])
headers['X-JSX'] = 'true'
[status, headers, response]
def jsx_context
# Use a Thread-local variable to store the JS context, with the JSXTransformer code loaded.
# That way each thread will have its own and we are thread-safe.
Thread.current[:jsx_context] ||= begin
ExecJS.compile("global={};" + @jsxcode)
def convert_to_jsx(html="")
snippet = "/** @jsx React.DOM */\n" + html
hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(snippet)
Rails.cache.fetch "jsx:#{hash}" do
jsx_context.call("global.JSXTransformer.transform", snippet)['code']
So on the client, have a link that looks like <a href="/thepage" data-behavior="getViaJSX">Click Me</a>
and you could do something like this to request a JSXTransformed page...
$ ->
$("[data-behavior='getViaJSX']").on "click", (e) ->
url: e.target.href
# The middleware only kicks in if this header exists
headers: {'X-JSX': true}
success: (data) ->
component = eval(data)
React.renderComponent(component, document.body)
Another option would be to bake it in to TurboLinks itself by patching it to make the request with the X-JSX
That's it! Not sure exactly what it is good for, but a fun exercise anyway.